Term dates and fees 2025
All Tai Chi classes will run, inclusively, between the following dates:
Term 1 = 6th January - 17th April 2025
Term 2 = 28th April - 31st July 2025
(no classes Bank Holidays - 5/5/25 - 26/5/25)
Summer Practice sessions=To be confirmed 2025
Term 3 = 8th September - 18th December 2025
Term Fees:
Fees guarantee you a space on a given class for the whole term.
Term 1 - Monday class-15 weeks = £150. Thursday class-15 weeks = £150
Term 2 - Monday class-12 weeks = £120. Thursday class-14 weeks = £140
Term 3 - Monday class-15 weeks = £150. Thursday class-15 weeks = £150
Fees are per person per class and are due before the beginning of each new term and more than one term can be paid for in advance. If more than one class is attended then fees are due for each class.
Preferred method of payment is
Bank transfer to: Inner Balance Tai Chi
Account - 22837260
Sort code -30-98-63
with your surname as the reference, or cheques made payable to Inner Balance Tai Chi or cash.
Unfortunately no refunds or discounts can be given for missed classes or classes you are unable to attend, please see Terms and Conditions http://www.innerbalancetaichi.co.uk/terms-and-conditions